Luckily, there are many ways to show employees appreciation, starting with good and fair wages. According to PayScale’s 2015 Compensation Best Practices Report, unsatisfactory pay is the main reason people leave companies, which is no doubt why 63 percent of employers said a primary compensation objective is “retaining top employees.”

More ideas for more engaged employees

Here are some other ways to boost employee morale, workplace productivity, and ultimately, retention.

  1. Show a little more praise. Say “thanks” to a worker at least once a day. You can do this verbally, or leave a note of appreciation on his or her desk.
  2. Give some recognition. Don’t hold back. Publically let employees know you notice their efforts.
  3. Remember a special event. Employees always appreciate it when their birthday or anniversary is remembered. Have a little party or sign a group card for them.
  4. Give a gift (or two). Don’t stop at a card. Include a little token of appreciation, such as a pair of movie tickets or a gift card from a local retailer.
  5. Celebrate successes. Every month, take the time to treat the team to a free lunch, and go around the room to talk about the achievements of your people.
  6. Do something wacky. Get your entertainment committee together and hold fun and out-there events that all employees can participate in.
  7. Offer workplace flexibility. Working people need balance in their lives, and you can show respect for their sanity by providing opportunities to exercise flexibility and work-life balance.
  8. “Float” paid time off. Honor one unscheduled paid day off per year.
  9. Raise the roof on wages and benefits. Don’t let the competition steal your best people! Make sure your pay and benefits are the best in the industry. Again, unsatisfactory compensation is the number one reason people leave companies.
  10. Make learning a part of the culture. When employees want to move up, onsite training and learning incentives make this possible.
  11. Provide rewarding projects. Most employees respond well to tasks that are well-suited for their interests and passions.
  12. Open up work spaces. Gone are the days of cubicle farms. Provide open and collaborative places where employees can create together.
  13. Update the dress code. Let your employees have “dress down” Fridays and relax a little on the stuffiness of business attire with casual work wear.
  14. Invest in your employees’ well-being. Develop a low-cost corporate wellness program or bring in fitness equipment so employees can lead healthier and more active lifestyles.
  15. Let employees vent. Over time, frustration can build up in stressful careers, so give your employees access to support to deal with the tough issues.
  16. Help employees save for the future. Include a retirement plan in your benefits. Match employee savings to encourage healthy participation levels.
  17. Link performance to payday. Instead of a set percentage wage increase each year, give employees the chance to earn more with progressive raises based on their performance metrics.
  18. Give credit where it’s due. Encourage employees to come up with better ways of doing things and recognize this as a regular practice.
  19. Participate in industry conferences. Got some bright stars among your ranks? Let them shine by sending them to participate and speak at industry conferences.
  20. Share the rewards. Businesses can extend the same corporate discounts and perks they get with all employees through special rewards programs.
  21. Get more personal. Take the time to be on the floor with your employees as often as possible to let them know you love what they bring to the table.