Agri SA in gesprek met die ANC / Agri SA in discussion with the ANC


Agri SA het gister van ‘n gespreksgeleentheid met die sekretaris-generaal van die ANC, mnr Gwede Mantashe, gebruik gemaak om weereens sy kommer oor onwerkbare grondhervormingvoorstelle van die regering toe te lig en te versoek dat die staat eerder vrywillige skemas moet ondersteun wat teen ‘n veel laer koste goeie resultate kan oplewer.

“Minister Nkwinti het laasjaar Agri SA se raamwerk-voorstelle, wat op ‘n ondersteunde markbenadering berus, verwelkom en Agri SA werk sedertdien op tegniese vlak ten nouste saam met ‘n regeringstaakspan wat moet adviseer oor hoe Nasionale Ontwikkelingsplan-voorstelle, wat landelike ontwikkeling en grondhervorming insluit, prakties toegepas moet word. Die aankondigings oor beperkings op grondbesit en die 50/50-plaasverdelingvoorstelle rym nie hiermee nie, is verwarrend en ondermyn vertroue,” het Dan Kriek, wat Agri SA by die geleentheid verteenwoordig het, gesê. Hy het beklemtoon dat die kommersiële landbou gereed is om groot bydraes tot grondhervorming te maak, indien dit op ‘n vennootskapsbasis met die staat geskied, ondersteun deur ‘n finansieringsmeganisme wat risiko’s kan verlaag en bekostigbaarheid verbeter.

Mnr Mantashe het Agri SA se benadering om gereeld en konstruktief met die regering oor landboubeleid gesprek te voer, verwelkom en dit as voorbeeld aan ander groeperinge in die burgerlike samelewing voorgehou. Hoewel konsensus, volgens mnr Mantashe, nie altyd bereikbaar is nie, moet dialoog tog resultate oplewer wat tot ‘n groter mate van gemak lei. Hy het versoek dat die gesprek oor grondbeleid met minister Nkwinti voortgesit moet word, wat hy glo, bereid is om aan beredeneerde standpunte oorweging te gee.

Uitgereik deur Agri SA, Direktoraat: Korporatiewe Skakeling Navrae Mnr Dan Kriek, Adjunk-president, Agri SA, 082 944 0566 Mnr Hans van der Merwe, Uitvoerende Direkteur, Agri SA, 012-643 3400 of 082 388 0001.


Agri SA welcomed yesterday’s discussion forum with the ANC’s general secretary, Mr Gwede Mantashe, to re-iterate and motivate its concerns regarding unworkable land reform proposals by government and to request that the state should rather pursue and support voluntary schemes which can yield better results at a much lower cost.

“Minister Nkwinti last year welcomed Agri SA’s framework-proposal, adopted by this organisation’s congress, which is based on a supported market approach. Since then, Agri SA has been working closely on technical level with a governmental task team which advises government on the implementation of National Development Plan proposals, including that of rural development and land reform. The announcements on limitations of landholdings and the

50/50 farm sharing proposals are in conflict with this, are confusing and undermine confidence,” said Dan Kriek, who represented Agri SA at this event. He emphasised the willingness of commercial agriculture to make substantive contributions to land reform, if based on a partnership approach with the state, supported by a financing mechanism which reduces risk and cost.

Mr Mantashe expressed his appreciation for Agri SA’s approach to engage regularly and constructively with government on agricultural policies and cited it as an example to other organisations representing civil society.

Although, according to Mr Mantashe, consensus is not always attainable, dialogue should lead to outcomes which are more acceptable. He requested that the dialogue with minister Nkwinti be continued, who he believes, will be willing to consider reasonable proposals.

Issued by Agri SA, Directorate: Corporate Liaison Enquiries Mr Dan Kriek, Deputy President, Agri SA, 082 944 0566 Mr Hans van der Merwe, Executive Director, Agri SA, 012-643 3400 or 082 388 0001.