Die vergoedingsdrempel waarvolgens bepaal word watter werkers buite die bestek van sleutelbepalings (art 9, 10, 11, 125, 14, 15, 16, 17(2), 18(3)) van die Wet op Basiese Diensvoorwaardes val, is deur die Minister van Arbeid met ingang van 1 Julie 2014 verhoog tot R205 433.30 per jaar (voorheen R193 805 pj). Die gemelde bepalings raak hoofsaaklik werksure, reg op oortydbetaling, minimum rusperiodes,nagwerk, ens. “Senior bestuurders” (hulle wat die reg het om aan te stel en te ontslaan) wat meer as dié drempel verdien is nie geregtig op oortydbetaling nie. Indien hulle egter oortydbetaling ontvang ingevolge ‘n kontraktuele ooreenkoms, beteken die verhoging in die drempel nie dat hulle nou nie meer geregtig is op oortydbetaling nie. Indien benodig moet só ‘n bepaling her-onderhandel word.
The earnings threshold which determines which employees fall outside the scope of key provisions (sec 9, 10, 11, 12, 14 15, 16, 17(2), 18(3)) of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, has been increased by the Minister of Labour wef. 1st July 2014 to R205 433.30 per annum. (previously R193 805 pa). These provisions mainly concern hours of work, right to overtime pay, minimum rest periods, night work, etc. Typically ‘senior managers’ (those with the authority ‘to hire and fire’) and who earn more than the threshold figure are not entitled to, for example, overtime pay. Where they are paid overtime ito. a contractual agreement, the lifting of the threshold does not mean that they are no longer entitled to such payment, and, If required, such a provision will need to be renegotiated.